Sunday, March 28, 2021

Are you willing to let go of a dream and face reality?

As human beings, we sometimes convince ourselves that our thoughts or desires are right or wrong sometimes because it is what we seek to believe. This is among the challenges that most entrepreneurs face and it can lead to bad decision making, if we do not let this go. It is true we should follow our passion and believe in ourselves but through that process we also need facts, strategies and reliable resources to make decisions and ensure we fulfil our passions. Some of the things we should do and avoid are explained below: 

1. Avoid being bias 
Most entrepreneurs tend to be biased and ignore the information or situations that are right in front of them because in their minds they have a dream and believe they have everything sorted out. This is wrong! and this will drag your business to lose and you might end up starting over again. We are allowed to dream but to do so we are supposed to let go of the fantasies and provide a plan to fulfil our dream. An entrepreneur should be able to analyse the external and internal environment of their business which can be achieved through a  Marketing plan.

2. Collect reliable data 

In the world of globalisation and technology, information is available in different sources. Conducting secondary research as a first tool to analyse the environment would save more time and money for every entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, you should be thinking of ways to make things possible without the need of spending because financial assistance is difficult to earn. Therefore we can rely on the internet, newspapers to collect information but make sure the information collected is reliable and up to date. Furthermore, we can also conduct primary research in the form of a questionnaire or focus group. We entrepreneurs are also encouraged to be creative therefore we can use innovative ways to collect data through the help of friends and families without spending money.  Use google form surveys, share the links on different social media platforms to find your target audience such as Facebook or LinkedIn and you can get the data you need.

3. Get out of your comfort zone
If you want to be successful as an entrepreneur you should be willing to get out of your confront zone and work on what you need to achieve. You should keep in mind that at the initial stage of your journey you should be willing to do more and do not expect to hire anyone to accomplish what you need because only you know it better than anyone. learn new things if you have to, connect with different people and schedule your routines.

4.  Be patient 
At times entrepreneurs tend to rush into the market because they are in a hurry to earn or be successful. It is good to want success but patience is the key to success. Do not feel lazy to collect information and rush to enter the market instead collect information once it's complete you can enter the market knowing your strategies and much confidence with yourself. Think about having long term success too and not short term. We sometimes tend to waste our investments by not being patients and are forced to try over again and again. sometimes we create those risks by ourselves so be patients and most importantly change those little elements in yourself that force you rush into things without proper knowledge. Always remind yourself that patience is the key.

Note: These are some of the challenges that I managed to discover with most entrepreneurs through my individual research feel free to share more unique challenges at The Entrepreneurship Passion!

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